Trials and tribulations:
Degradation of Morals and Ethics

"Every individuals deserves to be respected and has the same purpose in the world."

Where does humanity go?

──────────── INTRODUCTION ────────────
Over several generations, crime rates have escalated, sudden deaths, pointless killings, public humiliation/bullying, moral standards have declined, many cannot be trusted, many teachings are considered good but actually cause negative outcomes leading to a lack of trust in their reliability, misleading behavior; reminiscent of that which led ancient people to be cursed being repeated in the present times, and the art of being a wise human being has faded into obscurity. Regrettably, individuals have begun neglecting their responsibilities, particularly towards their own children or their own family. As individuals age, those who endured violence during their childhood often perpetuate the cycle, unable to shake off the traumas of their past. Consequently, they may unwittingly inflict their frustrations onto their offspring. Furthermore, those in positions of power or authority often develop a sense of superiority, dismissing counsel from those beneath them. Some individuals also resort to cursing those in authority and wishing ill upon them and their families. This growing sense of disorientation leaves contemplative individuals feeling isolated, as if they are confined to their homes, pondering life's complexities in solitude.
In a world we live in, we often witness countless individuals suffering. Especially in the wars portrayed in the media, where the children, believers, innocents are starving in the other side of the world, trapped, and oppressed. Many truth-speakers or proponents of goodness and knowledgeable people are marginalized in our society. While some may enjoy the privilege of shaping their lives according to their desires, others endure oppression and are too ashamed to express their beliefs openly. The widespread ignorance about faith, misleading belief systems that suddenly spread around the globe, coupled with numerous incidents tarnishing the reputation of religions, suggests that certain individuals seek to denigrate those who endeavor to lead virtuous lives.
Some people in the past may have altered existing historical sources, leading to misunderstandings among historians and people. This suggests that there will always be individuals willing to distort genuine sources and sow confusion among people in the future. In some holy books, misinterpretations have caused deviations, with some individuals taking them too literally and discarding the context of the verse, leading them astray from the intended message. Some fail to respect those outside their faith community, despite certain teachings not warranting excessive emphasis, and some content being less applicable in modern times. The prophets, Wise individuals of the past and scholars have cautioned against excessive religious zeal, recognizing its potential to mislead. Unfortunately, some 'trusted' authorities or preachers overlook this guidance and instead criticize those outside their faith, fueling doubt among both religious and non-religious individuals. Therefore, it is essential to advocate for respect towards others, regardless of their beliefs or acknowledgment of a higher power. Even identifying someone as a non-believer doesn't justify labeling individuals from other religions. In today's world, such labeling seems unnecessary and can be misleading. Engaging in religious arguments, proclaiming one's beliefs as the ultimate truth, and feeling superior can lead to wrongdoing and undermine one's faith. Some people desire to engage in religious debates with scholars and preachers, aiming to outshine them. However, this behavior is not advisable as it can foster arrogance, a negative trait. Many deceptive people have the bad tendency to instigate lies among those with little religious knowledge, manipulating and fooling them into committing sins unknowingly. Therefore, it's wise to practice patience, control emotions, doing good and focus on deepening one's faith instead of labeling others as 'inhabitants of hell' or 'hypocrites.' Insulting or debating one's own religion can also be counterproductive, as prophets did not encourage direct judgment or causing discord. Instead, promoting tolerance and respect for differences among all people is recommended in every religion. Respect boundaries and avoid anything that will harm your faith.
In today's society, poor parenting practices contribute to the naivety of younger generations, who often rely heavily on the internet for guidance. Unfortunately, many parents neglect self-reflection and personal growth, missing opportunities to improve their parenting skills and positively influence their children's development. Some children may yell or being violent at their parents due to their mistakes in upbringing or because external influences have misled them. Social media and agendas aimed at undermining morals and virtues further influence individuals, leading to a decline in overall well-being and an increase in disorderliness. The current media landscape often confuses minds and hearts, distancing individuals from reality and contributing to a rise in lost souls. Negative influences extend beyond the digital realm, affecting nature and the environment. In the other side, some parents exert pressure on their children, imposing their own desires and causing them to lose their sense of identity. This behavior, driven by a sense of superiority and unfulfilled desires, is detrimental. Coercing children into marriage violates their autonomy and inhibits their personal growth. It's crucial for parents to allow their children to choose their own paths, as long as it doesn't harm themselves or others. Learning to forgive and letting go of past grievances fosters healthier relationships and allows children to flourish in their own unique way. The larger the population, the more parents who cannot care for their children well. Therefore, it is recommended not to practice adultery to decrease the negative impacts on our population.

A message for every religious individuals

In a world where people consume various forms of entertainment and news, often filled with falsehoods, demonization directed towards certain tribes, races, even religions, or where some parents may force their children to adhere to religious laws and their ideals without considering their children's emotional needs and rights, or where misleading authorities and preachers sow doubt and create misunderstandings, chaos ensues in our society. In this context, I aim to clarify the importance of spirituality or faithfulness, advocating for a balance with world responsibilities, common sense and being respectful towards anyone. Additionally, I seek to encourage religious individuals to prioritize personal improvement and introspection, focusing on their relationship with God and their responsibilities, rather than labeling others, boasting about their faith or forcing their ideals and engaging in debates about their beliefs in a manner that may portray them negatively in the eyes of others. I recommend that individuals of all religions refraining from reacting hastily when their religion or scripture is mocked. Instead, they should focus on self-evaluating their faithfulness with God. It's important to remain calm, patience and to move on from such situations just like how God and prophets command us to do. Make sure to always question instead of accepting things blindly without further investigation. Be vigilant, as our actions can affect our faith in God. Stay steadfast, avoiding disobedience from God or easily believing in others. While some remain attached to traditional values, I believe that as our minds evolve, as prophets adapted their teachings to their eras and wise individuals continue to offer guidance, we must also adjust our mindset to current times while honoring timeless teachings. (Throughout my religious education, I learned that every 100 years or so, there's a reformer of teaching. signifying the need for adaptation to the developments of each era while preserving the absolute moral values inherent within them.) This adaptation may involve adopting good manners to promote unity and societal improvement among humanity. But me as an ordinary person, it's prudent to seek knowledge about religion from trusted scholars.

Therefore, it is recommended for every religious individuals to deepen your faith, seek protection for them and their family, and remain silent to fight injustice. Vows of silence are common in ascetic forms of Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism“Whoever believes in God and the Last Day should speak a good word or remain silent” [Al-Bukhari](Silence can help increase your self-awareness by giving you the chance to observe and accept your thoughts and feelings without judgment. When you're sitting in stillness and silence, you become more aware of your body and mind.)Despite what anyone says and views about religion, we should prepare for the second coming of Christ/Jesus/Isa as, wishing for protection and strength for those struggling to survive, oppressed, humiliated, abused and good/innocent people in the world to shield them from any form of harm or adversity, falsehoods or wickedness and praying for those who are lost to be guided to the right path (these also goes the same for our loved/close ones and ourselves).Remember to recite Surah Al Kahf for Muslims to protect them from the fitnah

Moral and religious knowledge play crucial roles in establishing peace among individuals and communities.

We should encourage people to transcend labels such as the old, the young, parent, child, teacher, student, race, gender, socioeconomic status, the believers, the unbelievers and positions, as these are artificial distinctions that do not fully capture the complexity of individuals. Instead, we should prioritize self-development, spiritual growth, fulfilling our responsibilities, and nurturing mutual respect across all ages and generations. By shifting our focus towards these aspects of life, we can foster a deeper understanding of ourselves and others, leading to a more harmonious and fulfilling existence for all, without seeking to feel superior to others. Which means, we must ensure that all humans are equal in the eyes of God, and perfection belongs only to God.

As we observe from the teachings of our prophets and wise men throughout history, it becomes apparent that they impart a consistent message and purpose to humanity. This indicates that our purpose is to strive towards the "Good", "Peace", "Perfection", "Pureness", "Fairness" often referred to as the aim to get closer to what religions call "God" (The ultimate Good). Achieving goodness requires sacrifices, patience, controlling our emotions and mind, and the cultivation of many positive qualities according to their own capabilities.

This indicates that each individual is unique, yet shares the same fundamental purpose in the world. Regardless of differences in background, beliefs, or circumstances, embracing these universal values can lead to a more interconnected society.

Develop the goodness and moral within us

Humans are not free from mistakes. Therefore, to achieve development requires effort from ourselves and learning from our mistakes. However, achieving a process of becoming better is not always easy, therefore there is no compulsion or necessity to be instant, but we need to do it with good determination for our own well-being towards others and those around us.

Keys to achieve Goodness Humble, Honesty, Fair, Wise, Gentle, Generous, Understanding, Patience, Balance, Discipline, Purity, Polite, Persistent, Peace, Forgiving, Faithful, Mindfulness, Cleanliness, Modesty, Willing to sacrifice etc

Negative behavior : committing badness/sins, imposing our beliefs, ideas, advice, etc on others (including family members), acting in bad faith, displaying arrogance, being dishonest, wasteful, seeking revenge, slander, gossip, insulting/harboring hatred towards others and themselves, doing drugs,alcohol or anything intoxicant, sorcery/witchcraft, adultery, engaging in violence, gives a sudden judgement, and any other behaviors that promote negativity or harm according to religions.🌱
Religion is the path towards spirituality. Any concept of spirituality that is devoid of God is a false concept of spirituality.
The teachings of religions often emphasize the avoidance of negative behaviors because indulging in such actions can lead to the accumulation of toxicity within us. This toxicity can corrupt our mind and soul, ultimately manifesting as negativity in our thoughts, emotions, and actions even health. By steering clear of harmful behaviors and cultivating virtues instead, we can maintain a sense of inner purity and promote positivity in our lives and the lives of those around us.───── "Avoid exaggeration, strive for balance" ─────Mistakes in practicing religion can manifest in various ways, such as speaking inappropriately or being unable to control emotions, not paying attention to cleanliness/hygiene, leading to impurity of heart and mind during religious rituals. It is not advisable to harbor negative emotions while praying, as purity is essential for spiritual practice. To achieve purity, individuals must cleanse their hearts and minds, avoiding mixing good with evil. For instance, prayers should be offered for good intentions and not tainted by negative motives.We can consider these efforts as a form of striving in the way of God. It's important to recognize that this concept doesn't always entail engaging in physical conflict or warfare. It primarily involves a personal struggle to avoid wrongdoing and actively pursue goodness. By refraining from harmful actions and endeavoring to embody virtues, individuals can align themselves with the divine will and contribute positively to the world around them.By trying to cultivate our thoughts, exercise our feelings, exercise our soul, exercise our body. If we can process it all, we will recognize the true conscience.

Principles of humanity


1. Respect others and never try to harm every living beings including ourselves
2. Having self control over our own desires and thoughts that may harm others or create negativity in you
3. Be humble and consider to put other's needs before ourself
4. Have pity and compassion for the poor or those experiencing hardship
5. Helping others with sincerity without expecting anything in return and avoid being boastful about your kindness
6. Avoid spreading negativity or having any negative feelings and thoughts towards others
7. Avoid jealousy/envy towards other's achievements or success and be a motivation for you
8. Never make quick judgement towards others and be more understanding where they are coming from
9. Never forcing our ideas or belief onto others
10. Respect other's differences and try to see ourselves as equal to others because perfection only belongs to God
11. Respect other's boundaries and always try to put ourselves in their shoes
12. Treat others the way you want to be treated

It's a moment in the spiritual awakening phase where all your plans should be going smoothly but in the end they fall apart.

Introduction The suicide rates have been increasing in recent times. Stress, alcohol, drugs, disintegrating families, unemployment is some of the reasons indeed. According to modern-day psychologists, depression and despair are two different things altogether. Mental distress and despair could be seen in any person at one point in their life.Often the terms Dark Night of the Soul, depression and mental distress are misunderstood and used interchangeably.
Dark Night of the Soul has more of an esoteric significance than a distinct psychological explanation. In the initial stages of the Dark Night you can go through mental despair and even depression. You might be submerged in hopelessness, unworthiness, loneliness, self-pity, helplessness and depression.
When your soul is going through the Dark Night, it’s going through a phase of transition and ultimately will enter a spiritual journey.

Common characteristics :
1. Struggling with intense emotional and psychological pain
2. Feeling like you’re losing your sense of self or identity
3. Questioning your beliefs and values
4. Feeling a sense of disconnection from yourself, others, and life
5. Experiencing a profound sense of transformation and growth

🌱 In some religions it is explained that trials and tribulations are a self-approach to God and holiness/purification. Similar as this that described by John of the Cross,''The dark night of the soul is a stage of final and complete purification, and is marked by confusion, helplessness, stagnation of the will, and a sense of the withdrawal of God's presence. It is the period of final "unselfing" and the surrender to the hidden purposes of the divine will. The final stage is union with the object of love, the one Reality, God. Here the self has been permanently established on a transcendental level and liberated for a new purpose.''*However, there are some who do this method(as an initiation ritual) with a different direction and fall to heresy (Secret organizations and some communities). Therefore, it is recommended to always protect yourself from being misled so as not to be deceived by the darkness and negativities (satan), and look for guidance from religion